Personal Information |
City and State:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
E-mail address:
Are you 18 years or older?: |
Emergency Contact Information |
Name of Contact:
Address of Contact:
City and State of Contact:
Zipcode of Contact:
Home Phone of Contact:
Cell Phone of Contact:
Work Phone of Contact:
Employment Information |
Current Employer |
Current Employer Name:
Address of current employer:
City and State of current employer:
Phone of current employer:
Dates of Employment:
Position at current employer:
Former Employer |
Former Employer Name:
Address of former employer:
City and State of former employer:
Phone of former employer:
Dates of Employment with former employer:
Position with former employer:
Background Information |
Drivers License Number:
Drivers License State:
Drivers License Expiration Date:
Has your drivers license ever been suspended or revoked?: |
If "yes" explain the circumstances, including dates::
Have you ever been arrested/convicted/sentenced/placed on probation for a criminal offense or serious traffic offense? : |
If "yes" give details, including charge, location and disposition of case::
Education and Training |
High School Name:
Dates Attended:
Field of Study:
Did you graduate?: |
College Name:
Dates Attended for College:
Field of Study at College:
Did you graduate from College?: |
Other Education:
Dates Attended (other education):
Field of Study (other education):
Did you graduate (other education)?: |
List any fire-science or related courses you have taken, (e.g. EMT-B, Basic FF):
Have you ever applied to this Department before?: |
If so, when?:
Have you ever been a member of the GWGVFD?:
If been a GWGVFD member, when?:
Have you ever served in another Fire Dept?: |
If served in another Fire Dept., where and when?:
What, if any, is the highest rank you have held in any department?:
List the types, if any, of fire/rescue vehicles you have driven:
List TWO references who are not related to you |
Reference One |
Name of 1st Reference:
Address of 1st Reference:
City/State for 1st Reference:
Home Phone of 1st Reference:
Cell Phone of 1st Reference:
Work Phone of 1st Reference:
E-mail address of 1st Reference:
Reference Two |
Name of 2nd Reference:
Address of 2nd Reference:
City/State for 2nd Reference:
Home Phone of 2nd Reference:
Cell Phone of 2nd Reference:
Work Phone of 2nd Reference:
E-mail address of 2nd Reference:
Type of membership desired: |
Active: ride fire/rescue apparatus as Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics or Firefighters.
Administrative: help with non-operational duties on a regular basis.
Associate: help with non-operational duties irregularly.
Vaccine Status - Immunized against COVID-19?: |
By submitting this form I authorize the investigation of all statements made herein. I understand that any false statements or omissions of information requested is cause for rejection of my application. Further, I understand that my membership, (if Active), is dependent upon my successful completion of the Montgomery County Volunteer Fire/Rescue physical to be conducted by the Department's choice of physician and at their expense, in accordance with standards established by Montgomery County, and that if I do not pass the physical exam an appeal process is available through the Fire/Rescue Commission.